• Can I check restaurant outside my location?

    YES! You can check restaurants outside your location in your country or even in another country if it is listed, to do so press on the location text and enter the name of the area, you will then see new listings and offers, the location will keep blinking in red to remind you that you are out of location, press the location again to set it to current location.
  • Why I can’t Rate / Review?

    1- Check your geolocation setting in your phone and allow it for SHISHA.NETWORK 2- Make sure you are at the restaurant Other reasons: 1- If you had rate/review this restaurant previously you must wait 15 days for your second rate/review 2- If you had rate/review this restaurant 8 times in the past year you must wait till new year
  • I forgot to Rate/Review before leaving the restaurant, how can I share my bad experience?

    If you had a bad experience our team can deliver your message to the restaurant manager, send us full details of your experience (date and time of visit) and will inform you with the managers reply.
  • Why can’t I send coins?

    Your balance should be above 50 shisha coins in order to send coins for a friend
  • I can’t see my friend in the community.

    once you have added your friend using their ID, you must wait till your friend accepts the request and only then he will show in your list, you can check the requests bottom in “adding friends” in community to see all pending requests.
  • I can’t see my review anymore

    1- We hide users reviews after 6 months from posting it, we try to keep restaurants rating and reviews genuine and up to date, giving the restaurant chance to improve its services 2- As per our privacy policy SN admin have the right to delete a review if it contained bad language, racism, sign of defamation or any other inappropriate words etc... you can contact us anytime for clarifications.
  • I share the app with my friends, but I didn’t get shisha coins

    Share you ID with your friend (you find it in your profile or with the sharing link) and make sure that your friend inserts the ID either during registration or later in the “more” menu.
  • I sent Shisha coins to a friend, but he didn’t receive it

    Once you send coins to a friend, it will be deducted immediately from your balance, if your friend accepts your coin then it will be added to his balance, if your friend rejected your coins, the shared coins would not return to you.
  • I visited a restaurant based on the offer in SN app but they said it was expired

    SN provides advertising platform for restaurants, SN hold no responsibility for any listed offer (read terms and condition for more info) however if you send us a complain, we can send a written warning to the restaurant and freeze his account after verifying your claim.
  • Where to find my claimed shisha coin offer?

    All claimed offers will be displayed in your profile, remember do not press redeem.
  • After claiming an offer what shall I do to benefit from it?

    Look for the offer expiration date and make sure to visit the restaurant before that date, do not press “redeem” yourself! Wait until the waiter/manager asks you to show the claimed offer and then he/she will press redeem.
  • I have pressed the “redeem” button by mistake, how I can get the offer again?

    Unfortunately, due to our fraud protection scheme, you will not be able to get the offer back.
  • I own / manage a restaurant and I can’t find it in SN app

    Our data-entry team keeps updating all listings daily, you can contact us with the details of the restaurant and a representative will call you.